Welcome to Academic Advising at UConn Hartford!

Reach out to an Advisor:
Schedule an appointment with your advisor down below.
Students in SSS or the School of Business must meet with their assigned advisor

Advising Help:
Your assigned academic advisor can answer questions about your specific degree progress and help you explore your requirements in detail. For answers to a general advising questions, email Hartford Advising.
Non-Advising Help:
If you have non-advising questions, (i.e. Financial Aid, Parking, Bookstore) please contact the appropriate office directly. If you are not sure where to start, email the Office of Student Services. They can help.
Contact Us:
Office of Student Services
First Floor
10 Prospect Street
Hartford, CT 06103
P: 959-200-3743
E: advising.hartford@uconn.edu
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30AM - 4:30PM